Why should your voice assistant be likable and relatable? Why does it need to have a personality that matches your brand’s tone and values? As humans, we tend to form attachments, and voice is one of our most human characteristics. It makes sense that voice assistant users often form attachments to their digital counterparts and begin to see them as friends and companions.
For brands, these attachments can translate to brand loyalty and affinity that goes beyond just the voice user interface. Taking the time to create a voice assistant that truly reflects your brand values and one that delights the user, is time invested in reducing churn and building a future customer base.
Choosing the tone, voice, personality, and level of humor will help determine how your brand is perceived and what your users will begin to expect from you. It can also be the difference between a user becoming frustrated at an error and abandoning the voice AI or being understanding and trying again. The more of a connection that forms between the user and the voice assistant, the more dynamic, rewarding, and meaningful the experience will be for your customers and the higher their level of satisfaction with your brand.
According to Statista, the global voice recognition market size is forecast to grow from $10.7 billion in 2020 to $27.16 billion by 2026. With more brands investing in voice AI, companies need to be thinking about how a custom voice assistant can help differentiate them and their products and focus on creating one that truly speaks to their audience’s needs, wants, and expectations. Settling for the same voice assistant as your competitor or accepting a voice experience that doesn’t engage your users will make competition in crowded markets harder.
Instead, infuse your branded voice assistant with these 3 qualities:
- Promote anthropomorphism
- Add personality
- Incorporate empathy
1. Give your voice AI human-like qualities
It’s easier for users to connect with a voice assistant whose character and manner of speaking are familiar and recognizable. Unless your brand is specifically going for robotic styling to convey futuristic and intelligent aspects, you’ll want to make sure your voice assistant has human-like qualities, including:
- Be conversational
- Respond with good grammar
- Express appropriate intelligence
- Determine the best response length
Instead of blunt answers to queries, it’s important to add some keywords and phrases in between to keep the voice assistant conversational and convey empathy to the user. It also establishes a level of friendliness and detail that users will appreciate.
For example, if a user asks a voice assistant to make a reservation, the voice AI could follow up with the question, “What is the name of the guest?” The response does get the point across and moves the conversation forward but lacks helpfulness and likability. Instead, the voice assistant could respond with “Sure! I can help you with that. Can you tell me your name?” and instantly put the user at ease and start forming a connection with them.