In a global survey, Opus Research found that “Increasing user adoption and ongoing user education” was among the top 5 greatest challenges in the implementation of voice assistants for businesses across industries. Finding the right blend of helpfulness, prompting, tips, and notifications has been an ongoing challenge for companies hoping to show increased user engagement through voice experiences.
Understanding human psychology and applying the principles of risk and reward increase the likelihood that people will engage in your voice experience and keep returning for more satisfying interactions. The behaviorists give us some clues as to what makes an experience rewarding enough to accept the risks involved.
The psychology of technology adoption
In 2009, Dr. BJ Fogg, Behavior Scientist at Stanford University, published the Fogg Behavior Model (FBM). The model describes three conditions required for a desired behavior to occur:
In his writings, Fogg referred to prompts as “triggers”. If you want to encourage a behavior, “Put hot triggers in the path of motivated people.” In other words, if you’re triggered to do something that is pleasurable, you’ll return again and again without even thinking about it. The key to building a positive behavioral response lies in the simplicity of the task, according to Fogg. If the task is too hard and people get frustrated, they won’t return.
The application of these principles is highly evident throughout the gaming industry, including in video and online games. The most popular of these games have one thing in common: they give just enough back while promising greater rewards in the future. Motivation and prompts are high and the risk of losing is outweighed by the promise of a greater win down the line.
Applying behavioral science and lessons learned from the gaming industry, companies can begin to solve the challenge of onboarding and engagement for their voice-enabled apps, products, and services. The gamification of voice AI onboarding unlocks the potential for more personalized experiences for users and monetization opportunities and efficiencies for companies with voice-first strategies.